Saturday, December 31, 2016
Top Games I Played in 2016
It's the end of the year and I played a lot of games this year. There's probably too many to list, and some I haven't played enough of to make it on my list, like I'm enjoying Shin Megami Tensei IV FINAL, but I'm still pretty early, (about level 25 and on my way to Shinjuku.) So I won't include it even though I really wanna, but I'd rather dedicate a whole post to the game. Other games like Valkyrie Drive and other games, I just haven't spent time playing. Now onto the actual list.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Talking About: Youkai Watch - A Bunch of Things
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Talking About: Shin Megami Tensei - Feels More Obscure in the West Than it Actually Does
I finished Devil Survivor and the bonus dungeon in Soul Hackers recently and it's got me thinking about Shin Megami Tensei in general. I've only played a few games, Soul Hackers, Devil Survivor, SMT Nocturne, SMTIV and Persona 4 I guess counts. It's only 4/5 SMT games so far but still, the 4 games I've played are pretty great. And I plan to buy more SMT games like Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 but anyway. Point is, despite all these games being released here, the series feels more unknown that it really does. People are obviously aware of SMT thanks to stuff like Persona and the crossover Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE (because it was SMTxFE before) so yeah, people know of it but feels like no one plays the games
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Today's Japanese / 今日の日本語
今日の日本語 / Today's Japanese
Been playing a lot of Animal Crossing New Leaf / とびだせ!どうぶつの森 in Japanese as a way to use the Japanese I've learned and to help with my vocabulary and reading ability. I love Animal Crossing so playing it to help me study Japanese is pretty fun, and it has furigana so I can learn how to read the kanji properly. Because I really gotta improve my reading, I read really damn slow... And using the game to study and read gives me more incentive to play.
The Japanese version also has some of its own exclusive content that got changed in the western version, so that's always fun, like Isabelle / Shizue wearing a yukata, furniture and holidays.
引っ越し ひっこし which is moving
村民 そんみん villager, resident
ちょっぴり means little bit
寂し さびし lonely, loneliness
お別れ おわかれ farewell
商店街 しょうてんがい shopping street
博物館 はくぶつかん museum
(the game actually has it written in Kana)
意見 いけん opinion
口ぐせ favorite phrase
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Talking About: Super Sonico - Why she's my favorite.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Today's Japanese / 今日の日本語
今日の日本語 Today's Japanese
Making this a daily thing, so it encourages me to study and help me keep track of what I've been learning.
Today (yesterday technically, but screw it I haven't slept yet) I learned the different directions and also some of the suffixes for counting stuff, as well as the word for different work departments
上 うえ which is Up
下 した which is Down
左 ひだり which is left
右 みぎ which is right
部 ぶ which means department/section, is used as a suffix
海外部 かいがいぶ Overseas department
営業部 えいぎょうぶ sales department
人事部 じんじぶ personnel department
I also learned about an awesome Japanese singer called DJ OZMA and he makes pretty good music. Dude is tan, has dark blonde hair and even had a pompadour, well he didn't have that when he was younger. But with the look in his band Kishidan, he looks younger than he did as DJ OZMA. I need to listen to more of his songs. Also learned that it's the Famicom Disk System version of Super Mario Bros. that has the extended Minus World, which is 3 levels.